Maître de conférences en civilisation britannique.

Université Bordeaux-Montaigne, Langues, Littératures et Civilisations.

Research expertise

Discours politique dans la Grande-Bretagne du long XVIIIe siècle; identité nationale; sociabilité.



Toasting glass

From the 1680s onwards, the English glassmaking industry strode on, offering ever more specialized types of glass to an increasing range of individuals, clubs and political organizations. Both resistant and elegant, new ranges of glasses were produced for the ritual of toasting.

Debating societies

Debating societies became well-established institutions in London and provincial cities, catering for the taste for public debate among the lower and middling sorts. Topics could be frivolous, but when societies debated politics, religion, and the economy they were felt to voice threateningly radical opinions.
Places Practices