
SCHANG Marie-Cécile

Maîtresse de conférences en littérature française du XVIIIe siècle

Université de Bretagne-Sud

Research expertise

Théâtre et opéra-comique au XVIIIe siècle; les liens entre théâtre et musique; le lyrisme; le Kitsch. 

SCHMID Susanne


Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Englische Philologie Department Studies.

Research expertise

English; history of sociability; British salons; English romanticism; history of drinking.

SETTE Miriam

Associate Professor of English Literature
Università degli Studi G. d'Annunzio Chieti e Pescara, Italy.
Research expertise

Eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth British literature.


PhD candidate

McGill University

Research expertise

Working at the the junction of early modern intellectual, medical, Jewish, and Atlantic World history.
PhD supervisor: Brian Cowan


Professor of French and Francophone Studies

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Department of European Languages & Transcultural Studies.

Research expertise

Seventeenth- and eighteenth-century literature and culture; autobiographical expression; graphic novels.

TADIÉ Alexis

Professor of English Literature

University of Paris Sorbonne

Research expertise

English Literature; Philosophy; History of Ideas; India; Middle East; Social Practices.

UENO Hiroki

Lecturer and senior researcher in Enlightenment philosophy and politics

Hitotsubashi university and Keio University (SFC Institute)

Research expertise

History of the French and Scottish Enlightenments; the influence of early modern republicanism on eighteenth-century Europe.


Professor in eighteenth-century social history and British literature

Université Paris Cité

Research expertise

History and representation of the body in the eighteenth century; spa history; medicine and literature; history and representation of sterility


PhD candidate in British literature and culture

Department of British and North American Studies, University of Greifswald

Research expertise

British contemporary literature; post-colonial studies; gender and ecology discourses.

WALTON Charles


University of Warwick, Department of History, Early Modern and Eighteenth Century Centre

Research expertise

French history, Ancien Régime, Enlightenment and Revolutionary France, with emphases on rights, political economy and socio-economic justice.


Associate Professor, Eighteenth/Nineteenth-century literature.

Northumbria University.

Research expertise

The early history of mental health and the relationship between Regency literature, politics and celebrity; the celebrity body and the spectacle of illness.


Doctor of philosophy and independent scholar
Research expertise

Eighteenth-century social history; newspaper culture and popular politics in mid-eighteenth century Westminster.