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The Connoisseur 82 (1755) [ Practices ]
… they are very apt impertinently to engage people in a dispute, whether they will or not. But this is contrary to all the rules of good- breeding, and is never practised by any man of sense, that has seen much of the world. I have Sometimes … though Repentance be an excellent visiting friend [p. 87] when she reminds us of our past miscarriages, and prescribes rules how to avoid them for the future, yet she is a most troublesome companion, when fixed upon us for life. I am, dear …
Drinking | Women | Rake | Gaming | Gentleman
Assembly rooms [ Sports & Leisure / Associational culture / Dance, Music & Songs ]
… entering. The Master of the Ceremonies or Lady Directress managed the space of the assembly rooms and ensured that the rules of the rooms were followed to the letter. These figures were revered, known as ‘Kings’ and ‘Queens’ who regulated … Indeed, ‘Beau’ Nash required the Duchess of Queensberry to remove her apron, which was forbidden in Nash’s assembly room rules, remarking that ‘none but Abigails appeared in white aprons [… to which] the good-natured dutchess [sic] acquiesced … than good-nature. ( Traditions, 288) The Master of Ceremonies or Lady Directress was responsible for upholding the rules of the assembly rooms which were usually determined in meetings of the subscribers, as they determined the rules by …
Assemblies | Community | Dance | Entertainement | Leisure | Music | Politeness | Women
The Bas Bleu (1786) [ People / Practices ]
… realms of Taste; And LYTTLETON's accomplish'd name, And witty PULTENEY shar'd the fame; The Men not bound by pedant rules Nor Ladies Precieuses ridicules;* For polish'd WALPOLE show'd the way, How wits may be both learn'd and gay; And …
Bluestockings | Women | Greece
A Pocket Companion for Free-masons (1735) [ Practices ]
… can prove more shocking to all faithful MASONS, than to see any of their Brethren profane or break through the sacred Rules of their Order, and such as can do it they wish had never been admitted. … "There are three general Heads of Duty …
Freemasonry | Benevolence
Debating societies [ Clubs & Societies / Associational culture ]
… mid-eighteenth century, informal discussion groups in taverns had turned into discussion clubs by establishing their own rules and membership dues. Some, in turn, transformed into debating societies in the early 1770s and moved into dedicated … with respectability, as is testified by many elements: the rituals of public speaking arbitrated by a president, many rules on impolite behaviour (including fines for swearing or interrupting speakers), the removal from taverns into … city and by newspapers advertisements. The Robin Hood Society was a well-structured society, with officers, a book of rules, rituals, the publication of questions and summaries of debates. It also had a sense of civic responsibility and …
Advertisement | Clubs | Debate | Eloquence | Gender | Middling sort | North America | Politics | Public sphere
Gambling [ Games & Sports ]
… thus creating a fashion among worldly circles. In 1742, Edmond Hoyle’s Short Treatise on Whist , in which the rules of the game are defined, became a best-seller. Faro (derived from the word Pharaoh ) was one of the oldest games of … In 1705, the ‘Groom Porter’ was given full power by Queen Anne “to supervise, regulate, and authorize (by and under the Rules, Conditions and Restrictions by the Law prescribed) all manner of Gaming within this Kingdom”, The London Gazette … in which the ability to play the most fashionable games was seen as a prerequisite for entering polite society. The rules of etiquette and the mastery of sociable pastimes were integral to the conduct manuals of the time, as part of …
Clubs | Duelling | Gaming | Gentleman | Horseracing | Suicide
Speech to the electors of Bristol (1774) [ Practices ]
… it. I shall only speak of it as it concerns the propriety of public conduct in this city. I do not pretend to lay down rules of decorum for other gentlemen. They are best judges of the mode of proceeding that will recommend them to the …
Elections | Conduct | Gentleman
Of Other Laws of Nature (1651) [ Concepts ]
… and consequently a Law of Nature. There be some that proceed further; and will not have the Law of Nature, to be those Rules which conduce to the preservation of mans life on earth; but to the attaining of an eternall felicity after death; …
Nature | Social Contract | Law
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