James, Duke of York and Albany (and court culture in Edinburgh) [ Aristocracy / Cities ] Aristocracy | Catholicism | Court | Elite | Merchants | Patronage | Scotland Encyclopedia
London theatres (and their audiences) [ Sports & Leisure ] Audience | Court | Theatre | Women Encyclopedia
West End of London [ Cities / Institutions ] Aristocracy | Consumption | Clubs | Elite | Gambling | Gender | Opera Encyclopedia
Erasmus Darwin [ Science / Art and Literature / Philosophy ] Abolition | Affection | Community | Correspondence | Lunar society | Social Contract Encyclopedia
Women's travel writing [ Reading & Writing / Mobility ] Education | French Revolution | Travel | Women Encyclopedia
Voltaire (and his social networks) [ Association ] Celebrity | Correspondence | Friendship | Networks | Patronage Encyclopedia
English theatre in Enlightenment France [ Literary & Artistic genres ] Anglomania | Audience | Emotions | Enlightenment | Friendship | Theatre | Translation Encyclopedia
Pierre-Ambroise François Choderlos de Laclos [ Art and Literature / Association ] Correspondence | Cosmopolitanism | Fiction | France | Freemasonry | Republic of Letters Encyclopedia
Touch and sociability [ Communication ] Conduct | Conventions | Dance | Gender | Kissing | Propriety | Touch Encyclopedia