Boxing [ Games & Sports ]
… Jack Broughton, Rules to Be Observed on All Battles of the Stage, 1743. Image C.R. Ryley, 'Daniel Mendoza & Richard Humphreys', United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Collection, 2016.184.160, 1790 Image James Gillray, 'Dan beating the … the dramatization of boxing matches in the press. Those which opposed Daniel Mendoza, also called the ‘Jew’, to Richard Humphreys, the ‘Christian’ from Clapham from 1788 to 1790, gained public notoriety because they were recounted as … of Ancient and Modern Puglism, vol. 1 (London, Sherwood, Jones and Co., 1823 [1812]), p. 2. The first match that opposed Humphreys to Mendoza (9 January 1788 at Odiham, Hampshire) originated from a dispute that was detailed in the newspapers. …
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