Republic of Letters
[ National & Transnational cultures / Reading & Writing ]
… Letters was an abstract intellectual community in the seventeenth and eighteenth-century that was comprised of numerous networks throughout Europe and the Americas. Correspondence was the defining feature of its existence, enabling the … was also enriched by networks grounded in institutions. These included scholarly networks created by the academies, and socialnetworks that met face-to-face, thanks to increased travel and social institutions such as the salons, coffeehouses, and masonic lodges. Concepts > National & Transnational cultures …
Academies | Censorship | Community | Correspondence | Cosmopolitanism | Networks | Republic of Letters
[ Politics & Society / Feelings & Emotions ]
… For Members of Parliament and members of the House of Lords, politics was face-to-face and personal, operating through socialnetworks, personal connexions and extended family interests. Much political networking, solicitation, manoeuvring, and negotiation took place in mixed-sex social arenas that included women, or were hosted by women. The importance of sociability and its place in political …
Dining | Elections | Public sphere | Tories | Whigs | Women
… category, which was also reflected in wide-ranging educational backgrounds. The merchant straddled traditional social classes and the rise of the merchant was part of the expansion of the ‘middling sorts’. Cultures of commerce and … figure of the merchant. Sociability was an important element of mercantile culture, because a good reputation and good socialnetworks were integral to a merchant’s credit and financial dealings. People > Commerce Mots-clés Commerce Merchants …
Commerce | Merchants | Middling sort | North America | Politeness