Robinson’s and Friday’s Island [ Nature ]
… Image Traveltopia, ‘Footprint in the Sand’, FreeImagesLive. Résumé The doctrine of natural law may well be the cornerstone of Daniel Defoe’s cultural formation. When Robinson Crusoe digs into his conscience, he … refers to his civitas , his societas , his own civilized world. He finds within himself the elements of divine natural law, i.e., moral values that, ab origine , range from religious items to self-respect and discipline. Places > Nature … of conscience: ‘My island was now peopled, and I thought my self very rich in subjects […] I was absolute lord and lawgiver; they all owed their lives to me, and were ready to lay down their lives, if there had been occasion of it, for …
Cosmopolitanism | Deism | Enlightenment | Exploration | Freemasonry | Religion | Solitude