Sir Gregory Gigg; or, the city beau (c. 1780)

O'Keeffe, John
The Macaroni. A Real Character at the Late Masquerade. Printed for John Bowles in London, 3 July 1773. Lewis Walpole Library.


A monstrous handsome City Beau

Tune: Young Jockey stole my Heart away.


This face observe, discerning fair;

Observe each motion debonair;

My Artois buckles when you view,

In shining sable sattin shoe,

You'll say that I'm from top to toe,

A monstrous handsome City Beau.


My humble whisky I despise;

Like Phaeton, I mount the skies;

And, as I drive away like mad,

They all declare that I'm the Lad;

And cry, he's sure, from top to toe,

A monstrous handsome City Beau



Text taken from John O'Keeffe, Sir Gregory Gigg; or, the city beau. A Favourite Song, in The Son in Law. Sung by Mr. Mills, in the Character of Bouquet, at the Salisbury TheatreTune-Young Jockey stole my Heart away. Salisbury: Fowler, printer, c. 1780.