International Conference - ‘À table!’: Eating and Culinary Practices in the Literatures and Arts of the English-speaking World

International Conference - ‘À table!’: Eating and Culinary Practices in the Literatures and Arts of the English-speaking World

24-26 April 2024

Organised by VALE research unit (Sorbonne Université), at Sorbonne, Salles des Actes and Institut d’Études Avancées (IEA)




Wednesday 24 April, Salle des Actes, Sorbonne Université

13h30: Conference opening – Elisabeth Angel-Perez, Vice-President for Research and Innovation, Sorbonne Université/VALE

14h-15h45: Panel 1 – Food, Sociability and Cultural Production in England Between the 16th and 19th Centuries, Chair: Alexis Tadié (Sorbonne Université/VALE)

- 14h-14h20: Cathy SHRANK (University of Sheffield): “Seasoned with Pleasant and Familiar Discourse”: Eating and Conversing in Sixteenth-Century dialogue”

- 14h20-14h40: Phil WITHINGTON (University of Sheffield): “Foodstuffs and Anthropomorphism in Seventeenth-Century England”

- 14h40-15h: Kate DAVISON (University of Sheffield): Ned Ward, “Food and Laughter in Eighteenth-century England”

- 15h-15h20: Andrew FITZMAURICE (Queen Mary University of London): “David Roberts at Dinner in the Athenaeum”

- 15h20-15h45: Discussion

15h45-16h15: Coffee break

16h15-18h: Panel 2 – Feasts, Fasts and Farces: Food and Social Cohesion, Chair: Line Cottegnies (Sorbonne Université/VALE)

- 16h15-16h35: Pauline DURIN (Université de Clermont-Ferrand/IRHIM): “ ‘My Falcon Now is Sharp and Passing Empty, / And Till She Stoop She Must Not Be Full-Gorged’: La faim comme outil de répression contre les femmes dans le théâtre de la première modernité”

- 16h35-16h55: Laura MARTINEZ-GARCIA (Universidad de Oviedo) (online): “‘Tis Wine Only Gives ’em Their Courage and Wit,//Because We Live Sober to Men We Submit.’: Farcical Banquets and Riotous Dinners in Early Modern British Drama”

- 16h55-17h15: Valérie CAPDEVILLE (Université Rennes 2/ACE): “Food Matters and Table Manners in Early American Club Culture (1720-1770)”

- 17h15-17h35: Valentine LACOSTE (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle/École doctorale Mondes Anglophone, Germanophone, Iranien, Indien et Etudes Européennes): “Food and Form: Virginia Woolf’s Poetics of Fish”

- 17h35-18h: Discussion

18h-18h30: “Gastronome Literature: a few readings and songs” – Julie Vatain-Corfdir (Sorbonne Université/VALE)

18h30: Cocktail for participants (Club des enseignants)


Thursday 25 April, Salle des Actes, Sorbonne Université

9h-10h30: Keynote – J. Michelle Coghlan (University of Manchester): “In the Kitchen with Emma Goldman”, Chair: Thomas Constantinesco (Sorbonne Université/VALE)

10h30-11h: Coffee break

11h-12h45: Panel 3 – Self on the Stove: Navigating Identity, Rituals, and Activism, Chair: Françoise Sammarcelli (Sorbonne Université/VALE)

- 11h-11h20: Nandini DHAR (OP Jindal Global University): “Your Mother Must Have Taught You to Cook: Gender, Class, Indian Home-Cooked Food, Culinary Labour and Politics of Authenticity in Contemporary Food Writing”

- 11h20-11h40: Virginia ALLEN-TERRY SHERMAN (Université Grenoble Alpes/ILCEA4): “Food Preparation as Diasporic Ritual in the Immigrant Kitchens of Contemporary Culinary Memoirs”

- 11h40-12h: Alice BEJA (Sciences Po Lille/Ceraps CNRS): “Feeding the struggle: food and cooking in women activists’ autobiographies in the Progressive Era”

- 12h-12h20: Magalie FLEUROT (Université Bordeaux Montaigne/CLIMAS): “1782-1892 – The Malcolm Family of Burnfoot Recipe Books – A Hundred Years of Recipes by the Ladies of a Scottish Family”

- 12h20-12h45: Discussion

13h-14h: Lunch at the Club

14h15-16h: Panel 4 – Trauma, Resistance and Reparation, Chair: Jagna Oltarzewska (Sorbonne Université/VALE)

- 14h15-14h35: Judith MISRAHI-BARAK (Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3/EMMA): “From the Kitchen to the Page: The Narrative of Food Recollected as a Site of Resistance”

- 14h35-14h55: Héloïse LECOMTE (ENS Lyon/IRHIM): “Dis/Comfort Food? Recipe-Sharing as Mourning Ritual in Culinary Grief Memoirs”

- 14h55-15h15: Agathe FAUCOURT (Sorbonne Université/VALE): “‘This is About a Lot More than Cooking’: Grief, politics and family dinners in Richard Nelson’s The Gabriels

- 15h15-15h35: Jean DU VERGER (SupMicroTech-ENSMM Besançon/VALE): “‘Food and Tables: In Memories of Things Past in Where Are They Now? (1970) and Leopoldstadt (2020) by Tom Stoppard’”

- 15h35-16h: Discussion

16h-16h30: Coffee break

16h30-18h: Panel 5 – Poetics and Politics of Food, Chair: Juliana Lopoukhine (Sorbonne Université/VALE)

- 16h30-16h50: Fiona McCANN (Université de Lille/CECILLE): “On Not Eating in Contemporary Irish Fiction: The Politics and Poetics of Hunger”

- 16h50-17h10: Cédric COURTOIS (Université de Lille/CECILLE): “‘[E]di kai ikong and foo foo […], amala and ewedu’ in Patriarchy: The Poetics and Politics of Nigerian Food in Lola Shoneyin’s The Secret Lives of Baba Segi’s Wives (2010), and Karen King-Aribisala’s Bitter Leafing Woman” (2017)

- 17h10-17h30: Natacha LASORAK (ENS Lyon/IHRIM): “Non-Veg Fiction? Transgressive Diets in Burnt Sugar (2019), by Avni Doshi”

- 17h30-17h55: Discussion

20h: Dinner for participants at La Ferrandaise, 8 rue Vaugirard, 75006 Paris


Friday 26 April, Institut d’Études Avancées (7 quai d’Anjou, 75004 Paris)

9h-10h45: Panel 6 – Culinary Crossroads in Transnational Narratives, Chair: Aloysia Rousseau (Sorbonne Université/VALE)

- 9h-9h20: Christelle HA SOON-LAHAYE (Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines/ERIAC): “‘Big Eaters Win’: redéfinir l’identité états-unienne à travers l’exotisme culinaire chinois dans la littérature sino-américaine de la seconde moitié du XXe siècle”

- 9h20-9h40: Méliné KASPARIAN (Université Bordeaux Montaigne/CLIMAS): “Manger l’autre: le refus de l’exotisme culinaire chez Ana Castillo et Pat Mora”

- 9h40-10h: Sandrine SOUKAÏ (Université Gustave Eiffel/LISAA): “Curry and Massala in Trinidadian Arts and Literatures: the Globalisation of Cultural Signifiers Embedded Within a Creolising Matrix of Indianness”

- 10h-10h20: Suhasini VINCENT (Université Paris 2/VALE): “Spices on the Winds of Trade: The Postcolonial Geopolitics of Food in Amitav Ghosh’s Fiction and Non-Fiction”

-  10h20-10h45: Discussion

10h45-11h15: Coffee break

11h15-12h45: Keynote – Conversation with Sami Tamimi

13h-14h: Lunch at IEA

14h15-16h: Panel 7 – Monstrous Appetites: Ghosts, Vampires, and Maniacs, Chair: Cécile Beaufils (Sorbonne Université/VALE)

- 14h15-14h35: Jean-Marc VICTOR (Sorbonne Université/VALE): “Les insatiables dans ‘The Full Belly’ de Patrick White”

- 14h35-14h55: Nicolas LAHAYE (CHCSC-UVSQ/ANR PIND & MUSICOVID): “Le repas comme point culminant du massacre: au sein de la famille de Leatherface”

- 14h55-15h15: RIESTRA-CAMACHO Rocío (Universidad de Oviedo) (online): “A Vampiric Counter-feast: Cross-Corporeal Practices of Feeding in US and Japanese Narratives”

- 15h15-16h00: Discussion and concluding remarks

A table

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