Sentiments et Emotions

Sympathy (in Adam Smith's moral philosophy)

Sympathy (in Adam Smith's moral philosophy)

LOVE Ronan
Adam Smith is best known as the author of An Enquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, where, to most readers, he is the champion of the free market and the pursuit of economic self-interest. Much less appreciated, however, is his first work, The Theory of Moral Sentiments, which paints quite a different picture of human sociability.
William Godwin (and his diary)

William Godwin (and his diary)

William Godwin kept a detailed diary from the late 1780s until shortly before his death in 1836. It is an invaluable source on the radical sociability of the 1790s and its aftermath. But it raises questions about how he reconciled his extensive sociability with his critique of social conventions, manners and fashion.