Georgiana Cavendish, Duchess of Devonshire [ Aristocracy / Fashion ] Correspondence | Fashion | Fiction | Gambling | Politics | Suicide Encyclopedia
Dress [ Clothing & Fashion / Taste & Manners ] Clothes | Consumption | Dress | Fashion | Rank | Women Encyclopedia
Horace Walpole (and the English garden) [ Art and Literature / Translation, Dissemination & Reception ] Correspondence | Fashion | Gardens | Gothic Encyclopedia
Pleasure gardens [ Sports & Leisure ] Art | Conversation | Entertainement | Fashion | Gardens | Music | Nature | Taste Encyclopedia
Wallpapers [ Furniture & Interior decoration ] Art | Correspondence | Cosmopolitanism | Domesticity | Fashion | France | Furniture | Gothic Encyclopedia
Portraitists' studios [ Sports & Leisure / Institutions ] Art | Children | Commerce | Conversation | Exhibitions | Fashion | Portrait | Women Encyclopedia
Bath (and the reinvention of spa sociability) [ Cities / Politics & Society ] Codes | Fashion | Health | Leisure | Politeness | Ritual | Spa Encyclopedia