Richard Steele [ Art and Literature / Politics ]
… Sir Godfrey Kneller, ‘Sir Richard Steele’, © National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG 3227, 1711. In one of his first publications, The Christian Hero (1701), he articulated his conviction that God had created man as a sociable animal: ‘We … and issue 155 condemned ‘an Indecent Licence taken in Discourse’ to young women. 16 The paper was read long after its publication because of this – indeed for the entire eighteenth century, during which it had over seventy editions. In … ‘manner of thinking’ and for moral reflection. 17 Habermas also saw Steele’s periodicals as helping to form the public sphere, since they helped readers to see themselves as a new kind of community, based on reason and critical discussion, …
Morality | Periodicals | Politeness | Print culture | Politics | Slavery | Theatre | Wit | Women