Collections [ Furniture & Interior decoration / Art & Luxury ]
… the greatest pleasure in showing them to others. It is especially in this that I consider you lucky; there are plenty of collectors, but almost no connoisseurs whose delight in their possessions is as much for others as for themselves’. 11 11 … Tour (London: Harper Collins, 2001), ou encore Sheila Barker, Women Artists in Early Modern Italy: Careers, Fame, and Collectors (London: Harvey Miller Publishers, 2016). 15 . Anna Miller, Letters from Italy, Describing the Manners, … Rome (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2010). Burrows, Toby, and Cynthia Johnston, Collecting the Past: British Collectors and their Collections from the 18th to the 20th centuries ( London: Routledge, 2018). Hanson, Craig Ashley, …
Aesthetics | Art | Collecting | Curiosity | Italy | Museums | Science