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The British Compendium (1725) [ People / Objects ]
… Here is shewn the Rise and Nature of Arms, and all the chief and necessary Rules for attaining a true and perfect Knowledge in that noble Science, which (with no small Labour and Pains) are … Examples from twenty Copper Plates, all blazon'd; and to them are many References, with Significations, which make the Rules so full, exact, and easy, that any Person may underhfand them, and be able to blazon a Coat of the greatest …
Books | Family | Honour
The Author, 1763 [ Concepts ]
… To cramp wild genius in the chains of taste, To bear the slavish drudgery of schools, And tamely stoop to ev'ry pedant's rules, For seven long years debarr'd of lib'ral ease, To plod in college trammels to degrees, Beneath the weight of … one dull drowsy track of business trod, Worship their Mammon, and neglect their God; Who, breathing by one musty set of rules, Dote from the birth, and are by system fools; Who, form'd to dullness from their very youth, Lies of the day …
Misfortunes of the enchanted snuff-box (1710) [ Objects ]
Drinking | Satire | Exoticism | Religion
The Philadelphia Dancing Assembly (1749–1849) [ Sports & Leisure ]
… Philadelphia Dancing Assembly a desideratum. Founded in 1749, the Assembly thrived, even into the early Federal period. Rules governing all aspects of participation, including the dancing itself, sustained the Assembly’s role in determining … Assembly more strictly than those of London or Bath , governing its meetings, management, tickets, and more. Rules were occasionally reinforced, perhaps to bolster managers’ authority against more democratic portions of the young … century; rather, attendees ‘moved with measured dignity in grave minuets or gayer country dances.’ 7 Assembly rules required that each set, formed in order of dancers’ arrival, have ten couples; if a set came up short, its couples …
Assemblies | Advertisement | Dance | North America
Royal Academy of Arts [ Institutions ]
Academies | Art | Conflict | Dining | Exhibitions | France
On Attending the Church Service (1771) [ Practices ]
Religion | Methodism | Churches | Children | Corruption
Methodism [ Spirituality / Associational culture / Religious Belief ]
… The creation of Methodist societies was fundamental to Wesley's projects and ideas, and he carefully elaborated rules and regulations so as to bett er organise the social and religious life of his followers. 4 The regular meetings … discipline as those who did not abide by them could be expelled. ‘If there be any among us who observe them not [the rules], who habitually break any one of them, let it be made known unto them who watch over that soul, as they that must … repent not, he hath no more place among us. We have delivered our own souls.’ (Wesley, The Nature, Design, and General Rules of the United Societies , 73) Moreover, the Methodist connection was quickly divided into ‘ the United Societies, …
Catholicism | Churches | Dissent | Methodism | North America | Sermon
The Spectator, No. 324 (12 March 1712) [ People ]
… Agreeable to their Name, the avowed design of their Institution is Mischief; and upon this Foundation all their Rules and Orders are framed. An outrageous Ambition of doing all possible hurt to their Fellow-Creatures, is the great …
Clubs | Dance
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