Docteure, Maîtresse de conférences, chercheuse FNS senior.
Université de Lausanne
Research expertise
Le théâtre du XVIIIe siècle, en particulier les théâtres de société dans leurs rapports avec les théâtres privilégiés dans une perspective historique et esthétique; Voltaire dramaturge; Voltaire acteur; les rapports entre littérature et société au XVIIIe siècle; littérature et savoirs médicaux; représentations du corps.
Voltaire (and his social networks)
Voltaire often portrayed himself as a solitary man who preferred to live far from the hustle and bustle of worldly life. In reality, he was a man for whom sociability was a fundamental virtue. It could manifest as anything from the most ephemeral worldliness to lifelong, intimate friendships. Voltaire was one who courted high society and gave sumptuous receptions, but the ties with those he called friend would remain sacred throughout his life.
Private theatre performances
Society theatre was a highly prized activity during the eighteenth century, especially in France. In salons and estates, both grand and modest, people of the same society and social stratum engaged in amateur theatre. Private theatre performances were a practice in which worldliness and aesthetics intersected, inextricably linked with sociability. In exploring the practice, this entry will evaluate the role of worldly connivance in the constitution of collective taste.