Literary Academies [ Clubs & Societies / Associational culture ] Academies | France | Italy | Literature Encyclopedia
Hester Lynch Thrale Piozzi [ Art and Literature / Travel ] Bluestockings | Commerce | Friendship | Italy | Literature | Politics Encyclopedia
Lord Byron [ Art and Literature / Travel ] Dandy | Friendship | Greece | Italy | Love | Orient | Orgies | Politics | Romanticism Encyclopedia
William and Emma Hamilton [ Aristocracy / Travel ] Dance | Diplomacy | Entertainement | Grand Tour | Italy | Travel Encyclopedia
Grand Tour [ Mobility / Education ] Academies | Cosmopolitanism | Court | Diplomacy | Education | Elite | Europe | Italy | Tourism | Politeness | Travel Encyclopedia
Collections [ Furniture & Interior decoration / Art & Luxury ] Aesthetics | Art | Collecting | Curiosity | Italy | Museums | Science Encyclopedia
John Ramsay (and his Italian diary) [ Travel / Art and Literature / Diaries & Letters ] Art | Cosmopolitanism | Diaries | Diplomacy | Education | Entertainement | Grand Tour | Italy Encyclopedia
Percy Shelley (the sociable nightingale) [ Art and Literature ] Friendship | Italy | Poetry | Romanticism Encyclopedia
Assemblies in Rome (1781) [ Practices ] Grand Tour | Italy | Assemblies | Conversation | Diplomacy Anthology